Smoking Advice
Maternity Service
If you have a positive pregnancy test you can now make your own online self-referral for your maternity care, without needing to see a doctor or nurse at the practice.
Our practice is now registered and listed on the online referral portal, so all you need to do to refer for your maternity care is visit the secure link below and provide the information requested. You’ll need your NHS number and the name of the practice, with which you must be registered.
The information you provide will be used to process your referral by both the community maternity team assigned to our practice and the booking office of your chosen hospital within Birmingham and Solihull. A copy of your referral will also be shared with us, your GP Practice, for information.
Click on this link or type into your browser using your mobile phone or digital device (laptop/ computer)
- it’s quick and easy and will just take a few minutes. This link can also be used to refer a pregnancy on behalf of someone else, providing you have her consent.
IMPORTANT: You need to search for the GP practice site by the POSTCODE in the drop-down list to complete your SPA portal referral. Your referral can only be processed based on the information you provide and can delay your care if incorrect information is provided.
NHS Smoke free: Mobile App
The Smoke free app can help you stop smoking by providing daily support and motivation. If you stay smoke free for the 4-week programme you’re up to five times more likely to stay quit for good.
Download from:
Download from:
Quit with help
Everyone has a different reason for quitting, get a personalised Quit Smoking Plan.
Arran Medical Centre Sheldon Medical Centre
c/o Smiths Wood Medical Centre 194 Sheldon Health Road
Burtons way Birmingham B26 2DR
Birmingham B36 0SZ Tel: 0121 743 4444
Tel: 0121 770 4043
Opening Times

Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse Information
f you have concerns about the safety and well being of any child or adult we all have a duty to act on concerns. It is possible to raise concerns anonymously if you are concerned about your identity being revealed.
You can contact Birmingham or Solihull Adult Services via the Birmingham Council or Solihull Council websites and follow the links to up to date information on reporting concerns, including a reporting online tool.
You can also contact Birmingham or Solihull childrens services via the Birmingham or Solihull Council website and follow the links to up to date information on reporting your concerns, including a reporting online tool.
If you feel that someones life is in immediate danger then a call to 999 would be required.
The types of concerns may vary but the following list may be helpful.
Adults / young people : Financial abuse / neglect / physical abuse / emotional abuse / sexual abuse / coercion / concerns about radicalisation or extremism.
Children : Physical abuse / sexual abuse/ emotional abuse/ witnessing domestic abuse / neglect.
If you, or someone you know, is the victim of Domestic abuse there is help out there even during the COVID 19 Crisis. You do not have to stay in an abusive relationship. National helpline number is 0808 2000 247 and for online information